Remixing Tips and Secrets for EDM Artists
EDM Remixing Tips and Secrets from EDM Pioneers
In a nutshell… here is how to enjoy the fun and educational remixing tips from Adam Beyer, Martyn, Stacey Pullen, and Josh Wink: there are 2 cool videos below – one is the 10-minute YouTube embed, and the other is the full 40-minute deal. You *don’t* have to be logged in to see the full video – just scroll down and click to see it.
The Story Behind This Remixing Tips Video…

If you make Electronic Dance Music, you want remixing tips, don’t you?….. And when remixing tips come from EDM gurus such as Adam Beyer (the Drumcode man), Martyn, Stacey Pullen, or Josh Wink… well, things just don’t get any better! This is an exceptional talk panel that took place this October in Holland… and I recorded it to share it with you.
You will hear some amazing things here. The bottom line is that the art of remixing is gradually shifting from an income-producing side trade to a scientific quest (and unfortunately, must scientists don’t get paid very much). However, there are opportunities out there for those who are good at what they do. If you are one of them, or if you want to be one of them, listen to these mixing tips and editing tips – listen and take notice.
Last but not least, if you have ideas about remixing or editing or mastering that you think are worth sharing with your EDM colleagues, please contact me, and let’s do a talk or a gig together. Thanks for browsing in!
This is a full video with no ads or blackouts or any ‘mumbo-jumbo’ – enjoy:

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Tags: ADE, BPMstr, DJ, EDM, EDM Producers, EDM Technology, EDM Venues, Electronic Dance Music, Electronica, House Music, Interviews, Mastering EDM Tracks, Mixing EDM Tracks, Producing EDM Tracks, Promotion in EDM
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